
ToggleSidebarToggleSidebarDocumentationComponents.TheAMPComponentCatalogue.TheAMPHTMLlibraryconsistsofabasicruntimethatbringsthecore ...,AMPaudioanalyticsgathersdataabouthowusersinteractwithaudiosinAMPdocuments.AMPaudioextensionissuesanalyticseventsduringtheirlifecycle.,com/url/to/amp/document.html>.要详细了解Google如何发现AMP网页,请参阅针对AMP网页的Google搜索指南。通过额外的元数据与第三方...


Toggle Sidebar Toggle Sidebar Documentation Components. The AMP Component Catalogue. The AMP HTML library consists of a basic runtime that brings the core ...

Documentation: <amp-audio>

AMP audio analytics gathers data about how users interact with audios in AMP documents. AMP audio extension issues analytics events during their lifecycle.


com/url/to/amp/document.html>. 要详细了解Google 如何发现AMP 网页,请参阅针对AMP 网页的Google 搜索指南。 通过额外的元数据与第三方平台集成. 有时候,第三方网站 ...

AMP HTML Specification

AMP HTML is a subset of HTML for authoring content pages such as news articles in a way that guarantees certain baseline performance characteristics.

Get Started

Create a website. AMP is the ultimate team player. Many CMS' and frameworks have AMP integrations to get your site up and running as quickly as an AMP page ...

AMP Websites Guides & Tutorials

All resources you need to create stunning websites with AMP: Guides, tutorials, reference documentation and examples.

Create your first AMP page

In this tutorial, we'll introduce you to the basics of an AMP page. Follow these steps to get started learning how AMP is unique, checking if a page is valid, ...

AMP on Google

Enhance your AMP pages across Google. AMP is a web component framework that you can use to easily create user-first websites, stories, emails, and ads.

有效的AMP Document

2018年10月27日 — AMP官網提供了一個小小的tutorial:Create your first AMP page,告訴你一個基本的AMP page要有哪些構成要素。以下我把code拆解成幾個部分,在註解中分別 ...

2018 影響 SEO 排名的五大趨勢

2018 影響 SEO 排名的五大趨勢
